Corporate Governance
The Company recognizes the importance of corporate transparency and accountability, and believes that shareholders can benefit from good corporate governance. The Company aims to comply with all the Code Provisions and will review and update the current practices of the corporate governance regularly in order to achieve the aims.
Executive Committee
Mr. Li Tianzhang (Chairman)
Mr. Zhu Jianbiao
Mr. Sun Qingwei
Ms. Liao Jianrong
Mr. Liu Zhijie
Mr. Liu Yao
Audit Committee
Mr. Chan Wai Hei (Chairman)
Mr. Chen Di
Mr. Wang Wenbo
Mr. Jonathan Jun Yan
Mr. Fang Ying
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Guan Huanfei (Chairman)
Mr. Liu Zhijie
Mr. Chan Wai Hei
Mr. Fang Ying
Nomination Committee
Mr. Li Tianzhang (Chairman)
Mr. Chen Di
Mr. Chan Wai Hei
Mr. Jonathan Jun Yan
Mr. Fang Ying
Strategic Development Committee
Mr. Zhu Jianbiao (Chairman)
Mr. Liu Yao
Mr. Chen Di
Mr. Jonathan Jun Yan